Workhsop at NYU – Berlin: Who makes the city? The dynamics of urban initiatives

Workhsop at NYU – Berlin: Who makes the city? The dynamics of urban initiatives


Workshop “Who makes the city? The dynamics of urban initiatives”

Initiatives of collective action, arts interventions and practices of solidarity are ways of actively forming public space, resisting crises and making sense of our being together. The city has always been the privileged arena for such actions, which have different motivations and take very different forms dependent on local needs and constellations of actors.

In this short workshop we will discuss in a small group the opportunities and challenges that such initiatives face. After input by three short presentations – Imagine the City (Greece), Public Art Lab (Berlin) and Aufbauhaus (Berlin)– participants will work together on a vast array of topics:  Who are usually the actors of urban initiatives? What are their different motivations? How are they inscribed in an institutional framework? Why do they sometimes succeed and sometimes disappear just after they were initiated?

Participants include experts from several countries who are interested in the dynamics of urban initiatives from many different perspectives.

NYU Berlin, 4th floor

Kulturbrauerei (entrance at Sredzkistr.)

Wednesday 16th October

7PM – 9PM

NYU Berlin is happy to invite you to a short wine-and-cheese reception after the workshop.


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