”We develop a network or people and projects aiming at the regeneration of Greek cities and regions through citizens’ engagement. Our mission is to develop activities and projects through which citizens can envision and create a place worth living in.”

We believe in the people and the ideas that this place has given birth to. We strengthen creative, collaborative and democratic processes that enable people and ideas to respond to the needs of our society and develop its culture. We focus on the development of activities and projects through which we experiment new processes and relationships between citizens, the academic and creative communities, local authorities and private businesses. We design our projects aiming at social impact with a multiplier effect and room for constant evolution. Through our work, we facilitate the exchange and dissemination of knowledge and information generated by academics, creators and professionals on the image, the experience and the evolution of contemporary cities and regions. We provoke interdisciplinary and open partnerships that allow for exchange and composition of ideas, recognizing the added value generated by spreading and connecting ideas with the needs and possibilities of our society. We encourage citizens’ participation in the information and design processes of public works and policies, in order to achieve widely accepted and beneficial results. We support social innovations, in order to evolve through mutual learning, social dialogue and co-creation. These processes allow for the self-definition of a place, the promotion of its unique characteristics, its authenticity, its urban culture. At the same time, they allow for the self-management of local needs, they strengthen locality and re-position a place effectively to the world.