Two Greek teams are the finalists in the international competition of innovation!

IDEATOpos_3The Social Innovation contest organized for the first time, by the European Investment Bank, had 16 participations, of which the two are derived from Greece.

1. Imagine the City and IDEA / TOPOS: «Politeia 2.0-Democrasy re-born»

2. Leonce Hadjileontiadis -AristotleUniversityofThessaloniki: «Symbiosis»

The final will take place on 29/11 inLuxembourgand the first prize is accompanied with 15,000 Euros

«Politeia 2.0-Democracy re-born»

The first group consists of two very active organizations, called “Imagine the City” and “IDEA / TOPOS”, they presented the proposal «Politeia 2.0-Democracy re-born».

They highlighted a form of a second Platonic state, which will lead to the rebirth of democracy inGreeceand consolidate internationally.

The group aims to highlight the political wealth of the country, the democracy, the culture, and the philosophy, especially in the political sector, which should change the practices they use lately in order to bring the real change. Finally, the ultimate goal is to alleviate the primary deficit inGreeceandEurope, “the democratic deficit”, as mentioned by the creators of the project.


The second Greek participation is coming from the Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Leontio Hadjileontiadis, who led a team consisting of Mandilioti Dimitri, Kaza Kiki, Touba Costas, Katerina Kyprioti.

The project Symbiosis, is an innovative approach in facilitating the understanding of the needs in  prder to face the Alzheimer (patients, caregivers, doctors) a disease which affects the entire community.

The environment of Symbiosis uses a cutting edge technology, which develops and adapts to the needs of each patient and activates spiritual and physical skills. At the same time, it enhances the sense of autonomy and self-confidence.

The physicians have the opportunity to monitor direct the patient. When the patient is moving out of the house, the alert will recognise the danger in any case (disorientation, fall, etc.). Through Symbiosis, the physicians can manage their patients anytime, anywhere through its connection with their smartphone at the base of SymbioCloud. Finally, the proposal of Symbiosis is a new approach which supports all the community members of Alzheimer’s and aims to facilitate and improve the quality of their life.

The 1st EIB Institute’s first Social Innovation Tournament

The EIB Institute’s first Social Innovation Tournament seeks to promote the generation of innovative ideas and identify/reward opportunities promising substantial societal benefits or demonstrating best practice with tangible, scalable outcomes. Proposals are grouped into two categories and may involve either innovative ideas that could be implemented within a reasonable period of time (category A) or innovative solutions with tangible outcomes that can be replicated (category B).

Although this Tournament is the first of its kind, it attracted a lot of interest, with 52 applications being submitted. The 16 finalists will present their proposals at the final event, to be held inLuxembourg on 29 November. A Selection Panel, composed of specialists from the academic and business world, will identify and nominate four winners. A 1st prize of EUR 15 000 and a 2nd prize of EUR 5 000 will be awarded for each of the two main categories. The Audience at the event will vote to select a fifth winner from among all second-round participants, who will receive a prize of EUR 10 000.


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