European Social Innovation Award
The results of our activity until now shaped a proposal entitled ”Politeia 2.0 – Democracy reborn” which was submitted by an interdisciplinary team of young Greeks to the 1st Social Innovation Tournament organized by the European Investment Bank. The Tournament aimed at promoting the creation of innovative ideas and supporting those that promise important social change or constitute best practices with tangible, scalable outcomes. It aims at creating social added value while fighting social exclusion.
The proposal ‘Politeia 2.0 – Democracy reborn’ won the Audience Award on November 29th 2012, in Luxembourg. At the closure of the event, representatives of the 3 Greek finalists received the warmest comments by the jury, while the audience, with a warm ‘Go Greece!’ applause, designated Greece as the big winner of the Tournament. Members of the jury stressed the importance of having 3 Greek finalists despite the difficulties faced by the Greek youth, and gave the hopeful message that the Greek crisis will give birth to the most innovative ideas for social change.